Tiffany & Daniel Robinson Angel Eye Testimony

Angel Eye Cameras Were Our Saving Grace – Daniel Robinson’s Testimony

About six weeks before our little baby was due, Tiffany felt like something wasn’t right. We went to the doctor and just after 9:00 that evening, Nebby was born. Immediately, the nurses held him up so we could see him, and then whisked him away. We did not get to see him for several hours and did not get to hold him for almost 24 hours.

It was extremely challenging in the beginning. Nebby was in the NICU level where the most at-risk babies are kept. With limited room for family, it was difficult to go see our son in person. When we did go visit, Nebby was in an incubator, and holding him was a process. The nurses had to get him out and maneuver all the tubes and wires so that we could hold him. While the nursing staff­ was helpful and friendly, we were so nervous with our new fragile, tiny bundle of joy.

The saving grace was our Angel Eye Camera. We could log on and see our precious little angel anytime we wanted, and we did. We had the camera on almost all the time. Additionally, we could give access to anyone that we wanted, so all our family members that weren’t allowed to see him – or were not local – could see him too. At the time, we had family in Fort Smith, Washington DC, Boston, Austin, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, and my Mom was in India. We got calls and texts all the time from family members. “Nebby is crying”. “He lost his paci.” “He pulled his feeding tube out.” “Y’all look cute; smile for the camera.”

As Nebby progressed, we were able to move to the Step Down unit – and one of the scariest moments of our NICU experience happened. We logged on to check on Nebby, and nothing was there. We wondered, “What is wrong with him? Did something bad happen? Where have they taken him? When will they notify us?”

Eventually, we learned most of the Angel Eye cameras were reserved for the babies in the most critical condition. The further your child progressed, the less likely there would be a camera for them. I cannot put into words the impact this had on our family. It was emotionally and psychologically devastating. It felt like our child had been taken from us.

After our experience, Ti­ffany and I decided we wanted to help and do anything possible to get an Angel Eye Camera for each and every NICU bed. We didn’t want other families to have to go through the shock and pain that we had experienced.

Angel Eye Cameras not only keep parents connected to their children, but they also help keep the NICU environment safe from illnesses. The Angel Eye Camera assisted in keeping our son and the other babies safe by allowing family members to watch from afar and feel like they were a part of the process without actually being physically present (and bringing their germs with them). I firmly believe more Angel Eye Cameras would result in better outcomes, while also providing more peace-of-mind for families.

Will you please help provide an Angel Eye Camera for each and every NICU bed?